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To develop a mobile app that allows personal coaches to set the daily food plan for their trainees. On the other side it should allow the trainees to mark the consumed food, chat with the coach and participate in questionnaires.


At first we decided to play with images for the front page. There were a lot of suggestions: sporty women, athletes, food.

Everything seemed a bit off. Photos didn't reflect the idea of the app since it wasn't exactly for sports and losing weight. Based offers the users a smart healthy life style and the access to the personal trainer for a small fee. At the end we decided to go with just the company logo as we viewed this approach as the cleanest.


When we developed the design concept we decided to take off from the logo colors. The pages and transitions between them should be simple and user friendly. We didn't want the users to search for something, everything should be accessible just with a couple of clicks.

Color palette



Logo development is uneasy task. When you develop a logo you should keep in mind that it's not only a vizualization of the brand but also a reflection of the corporate style and the culture behind it. It contains not only the history but also sets the direction for the company. Logo is the sail of your vessel.


The main feature of the app is the ability to chat with coach. At first we were thinking about a small form to send messages, but after a short analysis we decided to go with a fully fledged chat.

There is a lot of apps for healthy lifestyle but most of them generally offer the same stereotyped diets and fit them into the average person's characteristics such as sex, weight and height. There's no way to ask a question. That's why we decided to make this our killer feature.


At first the registration presumed confirming the user's email address and putting a lot of metrics to the app. It was too laboring so we decided to split it into few steps and made it shorter and easier to use.

You don't have to put all your data straight away. We will remind you if you left something behind.

Working offline

A lot of apps for Iphone require to keep the internet connection in order to user them. We choose another way. The app developed in such manner that you can use it without the internet.

When the user logs in we send him the information for the whole month and it will be saved on the phone. Yes, you can stick mark the food you ate for the day and browse through the chat you had with your trainer. The app will sync automatically when you get online.